Dodger Takes Manhattan!


Last week Dodger took his first trip to Manhattan, we were mostly at New York Comic, but still enjoyed some local sights. More pictures of Dodger in New York after the jump!



Here is Dodger in the shuttle from the airport, we’re passing a building where Crystal and I first met. Dodger is quite sentimental. It’s also no secret that Dodger’s name comes from the classic Disney movie “Oliver & Company”, see his namesake below:


So I decided to make my Dodger be more like the movieĀ  version while he was in town.

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I think we nailed it.

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The next group of pictures is Dodger exploring New York Comic Con 2016:

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Dodger even got to meet a celebrity:

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Finally we had to say goodbye to New York:

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We eventually landed safely in LA, preparing for our next adventure….



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